More than 75 years experiència
in boví i oví.
Roca 1927 Grup Carni is a family business. Els seus inicis is remunten to l'any 1927, moment in which neix to Banyoles, to the province of Girona.
Currently the company tea a team of 50 people and is dedicated to the sacrifici, l'especejament i l'envasament de carn ovina i bovina
- Ofer a product and a servei nico.
- Escort the client, ass...essorar-lo i adapt-us to the seves suedes, aportant-li value solutions afegit.
- Assure the qualitat.
- Complir les normatives vigents i adequar the nostra company to l'evolució del mercat, mantenint the competitivitat.